Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Photoshop Makes Perfect

Are you a beginner or amateur in photography?
Do you want to make your photos more fantastic?
Do you try to edit your photos with a graphics-editing program?
If yes, then Adobe Photoshop is a MUST tool for you!

Photoshop is an amazing tool that can do almost everything you can imagine
and think of with a photo  but it is also very tricky to learn from scratch if you’re a beginner.
However, beginners tend to spend too much time editing; some even have no idea 
on how they are editing it.
But fret not guys! Here’s a quick tutorial on how to ‘transform’ your photos in a few minutes! 
(In this case I’m using Adobe Photoshop CS5)

Nikon D3100 1/30s ISO 800 Kit Lens 16~55mm (Original Photo)

First, choose the photo that you want to edit to a fantasy-dreamlike image.
Then Right Click on the Background, and Convert to Smart Object.
(Smart Object is to allow you to change the settings without damaging the photo!)

Next, choose Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. 
This is to make the picture as blur as you want.

In this case, I chose 55.5 pixels, press OK after you’re satisfied with the blurry effects.
(You don’t have to follow my settings; it depends on the photo itself!)

Double Click on the Blending Options, it is on the side of the Gaussian Blur filter setting.

Choose the mode to Screen, and adjust the opacity to which you feel it is good.
In this case, I chose 90% of opacity to make my photo look brighter.

And you’re done! Here you have your fantasy-dreamlike photo with just a few simple clicks!

[Credits to Teddy C.]

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