Wednesday, March 28, 2012

WOW, Fantastic Baby!

Greetings all earthlings!
It's been such an eventful month of March and
we're back from the slight hiatus with a BIG BANG! 

Well, Big Bang that is... 

We're not sure about you but we at MYC!...
okay SOME of us in MYC! love Big Bang and K-Pop! Do you?

Here are some fun facts of the boys you may not know about... until now! ;)

Fact #1
G-Dragon is described as the "most fashionable" one in his group, his role in influencing fashion trends in South Korea have garnered him awards such as the "Style Icon of 2008" and the award for "Most Influential Men of 2008" sponsored by Arena magazine. Fashion icon Kang Dong Wan have also acknowledge G-Dragon's influences, calling him a "fashionista."

Fact #2
G-Dragon was a trainee under the record label YG Entertainment for six years before officially debuting as the leader and one of two rappers for the Korean hip-hop group Big Bang. Since their debut, G-Dragon has been involved with the production of their albums: he composed and wrote several tracks by himself, including "Lies," "Last Farewell," and "Haru Haru."

Fact #3
Taeyang likes games and manga. He also can speak fluent English and Japanese. He can rap and beatbox too.

Fact #4
Taeyang’s first appearance in the entertainment industry was in the hip-hop group Jinusean's music video "A-yo". The collaboration eventually lead him to successfully auditioning into the group's record label YG Entertainment, where he became one of the rappers alongside fellow trainee G-Dragon.

Fact #5
T.O.P was an underground rapper and a childhood friend of G-Dragon. G-Dragon stated that the two were "neighborhood friends from middle school" and would often dance and rap together. Although G-Dragon later moved away and the two "became distant", he contacted him again when YG Entertainment was scouting for candidates to create a boy band.

Fact #6
T.O.P stage name was chosen by SE7VEN.

Fact #7
Seungri is often dubbed the Panda or Baby Panda because of his eye bags.

Fact #8
Seungri says that broccoli is a good remedy for bloodshot, so he eats it almost every day.

Fact #9
Although Daesung’s parents were against the idea of him becoming a singer, Daesung pursued a career as a singer and was eventually recruited by YG Entertainment after auditioning.

Fact #10
Daesung is obsessed with Doraemon.

In case you've got absolutely no clue of whom we're talking about here, below is a link to one of their famous songs that we, okay SOME of us at MYC! sing-a-long to!

Check it out!


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