Saturday, July 9, 2011

Why Guys Dump Girls They Still Like

Photo taken from here.

You might never know why a guy broke up with you - so let go of the idea that you need to know to move on.

Photo taken from here.
Reason 1: He doesn't have time.
If your partner seems to have no time for you these days, or you are both simply too busy to spend time together, it may damage your relationship. Some of the guys get so into hanging out with his new brothers that his GF doesn't fit in anymore. He liked the girl, but he wanted to party and "lepak" around with his buddies.

Reason 2: He didn't want to be apart. (She is currently about 200 miles away.)
Many people who get involved when long-distance relationships, at one point have problems dealing with the situation and distance. Normally a couple will break up after either one of them goes study abroad.

Photo taken from here.
Reason 3: He's using you!
There are bad guys who will date the girl as a stepping stone to dating her best friend! Love is something that takes time. You gotta understand he/she well before gets into a relationship.

Photo taken from here.
Reason 4: He's BROKE! 
Girlfriends are expensive. I think a lot of guys will agree with this statement. Sometimes he dates a girl who he really likes, but he was too embarrassed to tell her that he can't afford going out to dinner and movies all the time.

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