Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pulling it Together

Never ever compromise your Bedtime. Make sure you get at least 7 hours of sleep every night to rest your body.

Staying Calm is the key! Never ever panic and always keep your cool.

Dance! Go crazy once in a while! Do you feel the urge to dance on the streets when you’re feeling awesome? Go ahead and do it!

Exercise at least twice a week! You may not be building bulk, but it’s still great for your health. Try it, and you’ll find that you’ll have more energy for other stuff!

Never miss a meal. Food is important for your growth, and you definitely can’t work on an empty stomach.

Girl and guy friends, no matter who they are, will still make your campus life fun and worthwhile. Appreciate your friends!

Do your Homework! Research on your surroundings, the study environment, places to eat, and also finish your homework early so you can have more time for everything else.

When looking for a GF/BF, remember that it’s the INSIDES that count. Don’t judge a book by its cover and remember to look at their hearts :)

You know what brightens up our day? Learn a good Joke and tell it to your friends. Let’s put a smile on their faces.

Keep reading your books other than your text books, or pick up a newspaper once in a while. Reading is a sadly dying culture, so why don’t you make the change today?

Love yourself, because no one will ever love you more than you do!

Money may be short when you’re a college kid, but remember to budget your spendings and save some for a rainy day.

Nutrition is extremely important to make sure you stay healthy and wholesome. Eat your greens and stock up on calcium and vitamins!

Keep an Open mind as you’ll be learning new stuff in college! Accept other people’s ideas and be open to receive criticism so you can further improve yourself.

Pick a day to spend just by yourself. It’s your very own “Me Time!”

College life takes you so far from home, so why not just give your mom a ring once in a while to say hi? After all, she’s the Queen of your heart.

It’s tough being in college and juggling Relationships. Keep your relationships wholesome and in check, and make sure you balance the time between your work and your gf/bf.

Schedules are important! Make sure you have reminders or bring your schedule along with you in a journal or in your phone!

Be on time and try your best to never be late. Time is precious, so make the most of it ok?

If only life is like a computer where you can just click “Undo”, but it’s not. Live life with no regrets and take it all in with a pinch of salt.

Learn to work a Vacuum. Living outside means you have to do the household chores yourself. Men, tie up your aprons!

The 4 W’s - What? When? Why? Where? Never be afraid to speak up and ask questions.

Go the Xtra mile. Always give 110%. If not now, then when?

Yelling never solved anything. Instead, work off your anger by putting the effort into your school work…or just get a bright yellow stress ball.

Zip up your clothes in a duffel bag and just go on a short trip. Go on an adventure for the weekend! There are no limits….until your wallet runs dry…

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